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You searched for EMMA GEER. Here's what we found:


You might think streaming is free because we don’t have any expenses. Not True! Actors, designers and directors are all paid salaries, not to mention the cost of making the recordings.

“Of all the countless Off-Broadway troupes, none has a more distinctive mission – or a higher artistic batting average – than the Mint Theater Company: I’ve never seen a production there that was a sliver less than superb.” Terry Teachout, The Wall Street Journal

An industrious playwright from Manchester, Stanley Houghton (1881-1913) “startled England with the brilliant originality of his comedies of Lancashire life” (The New York Times). Blending truthfully observed realism with shrewd comic grit and “supremely sophisticated dexterities” (The Manchester Guardian), Houghton wrote over a dozen plays, many of which called for women’s sexual and economic freedom.

The Price of Thomas Scott

Mr. Scott and his wife, son and daughter have long hoped to sell the declining family business so they can pursue dreams now out of reach. When a buyer finally appears and makes a rich offer—Scott hesitates—he doesn’t approve of his buyers plans for the building.

Elizabeth Baker

Hindle Wakes

Mint Theater Company's Production of "Hindle Wakes" by Stanley Houghton, Directed by Gus Kaikkonen..

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