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The Rat Trap

From November 1 through December 10, 2022, at New York City Center Stage II, Mint presented the American Premiere of The Rat Trap by Noel Coward, written when he was 18. The New Yorker hailed the play as “astounding”:

Noël Coward (1899-1973) captivated audiences on both sides of the Atlantic over the course of five decades, as a playwright, actor, singer, and songwriter. Coward success as a playwright includes more than 50 plays, including Hay Fever, Private Lives, Design for Living, Present Laughter, and Blithe Spirit, all of which are still regularly performed to this day.

Yours Unfaithfully

An “un-romantic comedy” about the price of free love, YOURS UNFAITHFULLY is an insightful, intelligent and exceptionally intimate peek behind the closed doors of an open marriage. Stephen and Anne, blissfully happy for eight years, are committed to living up to their ideals. When Stephen, a writer who isn’t writing, begins to sink into a funk of unproductive moodiness, Anne encourages him to seek out a fresh spark. Can their marriage survive uncompromising generosity, sacrifice and love? More than the story of an unconventional couple, the play is about what happens when our ideals clash with our emotions.

William Miles Malleson (1888-1969)

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